Tuesday, November 29, 2011

4. If you could go back in time and be someone in history, who would you choose to be? Why?

If I could go back in time and be someone in history, I would choose to be Margaret Tobin Brown. Margaret was a Titanic survivor whom was determined to break the rules that bound those of “high society.” I would choose to be her in order to be able to experience the feelings that all those unfortunate people felt as their boat collapsed. Also because, just like me, she chose to break the standards that forced her to dress and act a certain way, so, I would like to see the reactions that she got when she decided to break those rules. Although the dresses the women used to wear back then seem a bit painful and a burden to have on, I would still like to see how it felt to actually have one on. Due to the fact that she survived the collapse, I can just imagine the attention that she received once she was rescued. I just find Brown’s life to be a bit interesting and so I would love to be able to experience it firsthand.

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